Constituent for advertisements
Currently ads are necessary to fund this free service. SBE media arranges and orders advertisements
for this site. Most advertising on IDHW.com is handled by Google Adwords. Adwords allows businesses
to advertise on any number of sites, including IDHW.com, regardless of the size of their budget. Ad
campaigns can be set up to target based on keywords, geographical location of the visitor, and/or
individual websites. They handle the most common sizes of ads and allow text, image or video.
If you'd like to make a donation to this site you may use PayPal to transfer money free of charge. Just
click the PayPal link below:

Your advertisement
SBE media offers an exclusive right to use advertisment areas of this site.
For a fixed monthly fee you are permitted to place banner ads on all pages (page top and right-hand side).
Permitted advertising media inlcudes Banner Ads, Video Ads, Slide Shows, Site Skin and Site Splash Pages.
To apply for a full sponsorship or to receive our current conditions send a message to:
c.korner @ sbe-media.com
This applies to IDHW including webservices provided at idhw.com and idhw.de
Responsible person
Christian Korner
Hummelstrasse 13A
12623 Berlin
c.korner @ sbe-media.com